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…and you’re already home, so let’s go big!

Cover photo of Artist 3 60 Finalists 2019 by Kat Wilson | katwilsonartist.com | www.artists360.art

The amount of resources and funding available for artists is actually more vast than you might think. It just takes a little digging and a lot of know-how to get the exact source that works for you.

During this pandemic, foundations and agencies with limited staff are working around the clock to get financial resources into the hands of artists.

A couple of ways that YOU can help expedite this process is by filling out Mid-America Arts Alliance’s COVID-19 Artist Impact Survey.

Artist Impact Survey

Deadline for this survey is March 31. Share it with friends and let our NWA presence be known!

MISSION of M-AAA: “Mid-America Arts Alliance strengthens and supports artists, cultural organizations, and communities throughout our region and beyond. We are especially committed to enriching the cultural life of underserved communities by providing high quality, meaningful, and accessible arts and culture programs and services.”

If you’ve never heard of M-AAA before today, then I am honored and pleased to have introduced you. They are a wealth of knowledge, kindness and are truly working hard to make sure artists in our region are taken care of.

Blog posts will be rolled out with specific groups of artists in mind. This will hopefully make it easier to find funding for which you’re eligible. We’re doing the digging and the sorting so you don’t have to!

Like to do your own research to avoid binging another season of Outlander on Netflix? Then may I present to you…

Organizations/Institutions/Agencies with Resource Pages:
Arkansas Arts Council | arkansasarts.org
Mid-America Arts Alliance | maaa.org
Americans for the Arts | americansforthearts.org
Arts Ready | artsready.org
COVID-19 & Freelance Artists | bit.ly/2y9Vxph
Grantmakers in the Arts | giarts.org
National Coalition of the Arts’ Preparedness & Emergency Response | ncaper.org
New York Foundation for the Arts | nyfa.org
Springboard for the Arts | springboardforthearts.org

PRO TIP: Definitely keep Arkansas Arts Council, Mid-America Arts Alliance, and Americans for the Arts in your personal resource toolbox. They roll out amazing grant opportunities every year for individual artists AND arts organizations.

Happy hunting and get your funding!
