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Fresh Cup Magazine recently did a feature on the pilot barista training program at the Brightwater Culinary School!

Awhile back we announced that Airship Coffee, a local specialty coffee roaster, had partnered with Brightwater to strengthen and grow our specialty coffee workforce. We now know that those interested have two options: an eight-week student class elective through the school and a full-day accelerated course format. As Airship founder Mark Bray puts it in the article, “This program has the ability to accelerate the number of qualified specialty coffee professionals at a rapid rate. That’s the power of it,” Mark says. “At a class capacity of 30 students per semester, even if only half pass the certification, that’s adding 40 to 50 certified baristas per year. And for those entering the foodservice industry as chefs, owners, and/or managers, the standard for coffee service will be elevated at their restaurants.”

“Learn More” to get the full scoop!

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For two decades, Fresh Cup has provided specialty coffee and tea professionals with unique insight into the trends, ideas, products and people that shape their world.
