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People for Bikes recently released the 3rd annual ratings of best cities for bicycling and Rogers, Fayetteville and Bella Vista were all ranked in the top 20 in the U.S.!

People for Bikes developed a network score for each city that evaluates the quality of a city’s bike network and how completely it links people to each other and local destinations using comfortable routes to arrive at the city rankings. A high-scoring network is considered one that connects people with where they want to go, safely and efficiently. In addition, local perceptions of the bike network were also given weight.

City ratings are scored across five key indicators: Ridership (how many people are riding bikes), Safety (how safe is it to ride bikes), Network (how easy is it for people to bike where they want to go), Reach (how well the network serves all parts of the community), and Acceleration (how fast the community is working to improve biking). Check out our scores below.

NW Arkansas Places for Bikes Rankings


#6 Rogers


#10 Fayetteville


#14 Bella Vista


#38 Bentonville
Full City Rankings