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Social Weavers

In celebration of Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art’s first ten years, we collaborated with our friends at Crystal Bridges to feature a few of the remarkable people contributing to the well-being of the Northwest Arkansas community. We call them social weavers because the spirit of caring they bring to each interaction with others strengthens the social fabric of our community.

Inspired by Norman Rockwell’s iconic painting Rosie the Riveter, which turns attention to the American women who worked in factories during World War II, these profiles feature individuals in our region who contribute in essential ways to the needs of our community. Each person highlighted works tirelessly, and often without fanfare, to spread hope and healing.

A Special Thank You to Our Team of Partners

Crystal Bridges, Niketa Reed, founder/director at Arkansas Soul; Monica Kumar, belonging and inclusion strategist; Margot Lemaster, executive director at Engage NWA; and Jeannette Balleza Collins, director of entrepreneurial development at Northwest Arkansas Council and Brandon Watts, owner of B. Watts Photography and Studio 4seven9

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Do you know someone in the Northwest Arkansas community we should feature? Let us know.